This collection combines both of Matt Fraction's runs on Fantastic Four & Future Foundation. This is a disjointed run compared to the previous one by Jonathan Hickman. I for one loved Matt Fraction's run on Invincible Iron Man but this was a let down until I got to the dozen or so issues where the two teams were taking on Doctor Doom. I was really gung-ho for this series when it was first announced that Matt Fraction would be taking over the two titles; Fantastic Four is by far the stronger title. For some reason Future Foundation just didn't have that hook that made me want to read those issues. The Fantastic Four title sees the Richards family along with Johnny Storm & Ben Grim traveling across time 7 space while their powers deteriorate. While the Future Foundation series sees Scott Lang, Medusa, Jennifer Walters & Darla Deering become the new Fantastic Four for what is supposed to be four minutes of time. However in true Marvel fashion something goes wrong & they essentially are the Fantastic Four on earth for about one years time. I found the connection between the to books to be a little jarring partly due to the art. I am not saying that the art is bad mind both artist are fantastic (pun intened) but they don't complement each other well. I am really looking forward to James Robinson's run which follows this one. I like many of the concepts that where used in this run such as the time travel & I would really like to see a new Fantastic Four series take on Marvel's first family as they travel across time & space post Secret Wars.